Studying Mathematics
Mathematics plays such pivotal roles in today’s modern civilization that it is nearly impossible to imagine living without the modern conveniences and applications that the field has brought about. People who understand the discipline understand more than an academic subject area; they understand the structures on which entire societies rest.
Mathematics, the abstract science of number, quantity and space, touches all the sciences and offers logic, rather than observation, as a vehicle to move scientists from hypothesizing a result to proving it with accuracy and certainty. At the upper level, studying math has very little to do with calculators. Math students work with their professors to write and prove theorems that are sophisticated and even beautiful explanations of hidden patterns all around us.
Mathematics prepares students exceptionally well for careers or graduate study. Students who have interests in other science programs find that mathematics degrees dovetail nicely to other scientific disciplines. The department offers academic contests, a colloquium series, summer research, independent study projects and study abroad opportunities that round out the degrees, preparing students for some of the fastest growing and highest paying occupations in the United States.