Dr. Jeremy LeCrone
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Bjarni Jónsson Prize for Research: Vanderbilt University, Department of Mathematics, May 2012
B.F. Bryant Award for Excellence in Teaching: Vanderbilt University, Department of Mathematics, May 2012
Mean Value Theorem for Riemannian Manifolds via the Obstacle Problem
- Midwest Geometry Conference, Manhattan, KS (November 2017)
Moving Interfaces and Free Boundaries: Establishing rigorous results on unknown domains
- The Visible Scholar Lecture Series, University of Richmond (November 2017)
Perturbed Obstacle Problems: Linearity of free boundary motions
- Prairie Analysis Seminar, Lawrence, KS (September 2016)
Stability of Cylinders in Surface Diffusion Flow Under General Perturbations
- International Conference on Evolution Equations, Nashville, TN (May 2016)
- SIAM Conference on Analysis of PDEs, Scottsdale, AZ (December 2015)
Modelling Mean Curvature Flow (With Obstacles) Using Cellular Automata
- Colloquium, University of Richmond (May 2015)
Interface Evolution: Formulation, Dynamics, and Simulation
- Colloquium, University of Alabama-Huntsville (February 2015)
Stability and Bifurcation of Equilibria to Geometric Evolution Laws in the Axisymmetric Setting
- SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science, Philadelphia, PA (June 2013)
Selected Publications
Journal Articles
J. LeCrone, Y. Shao, G. Simonett: The surface diffusion and the Willmore flow for uniformly regular hypersurfaces (22 page manuscript: Submitted for Publication) arXiv:1901.00208.
J. LeCrone, G. Simonett: On quasilinear parabolic equations and continuous maximal regularity (27 page manuscript: Submitted for Publication) arXiv:1808.01032.
I. Blank, J. LeCrone: Perturbed obstacle problems in Lipschitz domains: Linear stability and non-degeneracy in measure (9 page manuscript: To appear in Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics) arXiv:1808.05257.
B. Benson, I. Blank, J. LeCrone: Mean value theorems for Riemannian manifolds via the obstacle problem. The Journal of Geometric Analysis (2018). DOI: 10.1007/s12220-018-0093-4.
J. LeCrone, G. Simonett: On the flow of non-axisymmetric perturbations of cylinders via surface diffusion. Journal of Differential Equations 260(6) (2016), 5510-5531. DOI: 10.1016/j.jde.2015.12.008
J. LeCrone, J. Prüss, M. Wilke: On quasilinear parabolic evolution equations in weighted Lp–spaces II. Journal of Evolution Equations, 14(3) (2014), 509–533. DOI: 10.1007/s00028-014-0226-6.
J. LeCrone: Stability and bifurcation of equilibria for the axisymmetric averaged mean curvature flow. Interfaces and Free Boundaries, 16(1) (2014), 41–64. DOI: 10.4171/IFB/313.
J. LeCrone, G. Simonett: On stability and well-posedness of the axisymmetric surface diffusion flow. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 45(5) (2013), 2834–2869. DOI: 10.1137/120883505.
J. LeCrone: Elliptic operators and maximal regularity on periodic little-Holder spaces. Journal of Evolution Equations, 12 (2012), 295–325. DOI: 10.1007/s00028-011-0133-z.
J. LeCrone, G. Simonett: Continuous maximal regularity and analytic semigroups. Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations, DCDS Supplement 2011: Proceedings of the 8th AIMS International Conference (Dresden, Germany), 963–970. (Refereed Publication) arXiv:1110.5690