Dr. Joanna Wares
Journal Articles
Gevertz, J.L., Wares, J.R. Assessing the Role of Patient Generation Techniques in Virtual Clinical Trial Outcomes. Bull Math Biol 86, 119 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11538-024-01345-6
Grayson, K. L., Hiliker, A. K., & Wares, J. R. (2022). R Markdown as a dynamic interface for teaching: Modules from math and biology classrooms. Mathematical Biosciences, 108844.
Wares, J. R., Doug, J., Gevertz. J., Radunskaya, A., Viner, K., Wiebe, D., Solomon, S. (2021) Predicting the impact of placing an overdose prevention site in Philadelphia: a mathematical model. Harm Reduction Journal 18, article number 110.
Balreira, E. C, Hawthorne, C., Stadynk, G., Teymuroglu, Z., Torres, M., Wares, J. R. (2021) Resources for supporting Mathematics and data science instructors during COVID-19. Letters in Biomathematics 8(1):49-83.
Gevertz, J. and Wares, J. (2020) Fostering diversity in top-rated pure mathematics graduate programs. Notices of the American Mathematical Society.
Gevertz, J. and Wares, J. R. (2018) Developing a minimally-structured mathematical model of cancer treatment with oncolytic viruses and dendritic cell injections. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine.
Hoke, K., Keough, L., Wares, J. R. (2018) Mass Incarceration and Eviction Applications in Calculus: A First-Timer Approach. PRIMUS 0:1-16. doi: 10.1080/10511970.2018.1505792
Wares J.R., Lawson B., Shemin D., D’Agata, E.M.C. (2016) Evaluating Infection Prevention Strategies in Out-Patient Dialysis Units Using Agent-Based Modeling. PLoS ONE 11(5): e0153820. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0153820
Caudill, L. and Wares, J. R. (2016) The role of mathematical modeling in designing and evaluating antimicrobial stewardship programs. Current Treatment Options in Infectious Diseases 8(2):124-138.
Franke, L. M., Walker, W. C., Hoke, K. W., Wares, J. R. (2016) Distinction in EEG slow oscillations between chronic mild traumatic brain injury and PTSD. International Journal of Psychophysiology 106:21-29. doi:10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2016.05.010
Gevertz, J. L., Kim, P. S., Wares, J. R. (2016) Mentoring undergraduate interdisciplinary mathematics research students: junior faculty experiences. PRIMUS. doi:10.1080/10511970.2016.1191571
Wares, J. R., Hoke, K. W., Walker, W., Franke, L. M., Cifu, D. X., Carne, W., Ford-Smith, C. (2015). Characterizing the effects of mTBI and PTSD on balance impairments in blast-exposed Service Members and Veterans using computerized posturography. The Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development 52(5):591-604.
Wares, J. R., Crivelli, J. J., Choi, I. K., Yun, C. O., Gevertz, J. L., Kim, P. S. (2015). Treatment strategies for combining immunostimulatory oncolytic virus therapeutics with dendritic cell injections. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 12(6):1237-1256.
Kim, P. S., Crivelli, J. J., Choi, I. K., Yun, C. O., Wares, J. R. (2015). Quantitative impact of immunomodulation versus oncolysis with cytokine-expressing virus therapeutics. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 12(4):841-858.
Cifu, D. X., Hoke, K. W., Wetzel, P., Wares, J. R., Gitchel, G. and Carne, W. (2014). Effects of hyperbaric oxygen on eye tracking abnormalities. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development. 51(7):1047-1056.
Cifu, D. X., Wares, J. R., Hoke, K. W., Wetzel, P., Gitchel, G. and Carne, W. (2014). Differential eye movements in mild traumatic brain injury vs. normal controls. The Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation 30 (1):21-28.
D'Agata, E. M. C., Horn, M. A., Ruan, S., Webb, G. F, and Wares, J. (2012). Efficacy of infection control interventions in reducing the spread of multidrug-resistant organisms in the hospital setting. PLoS ONE 7(2): e30170. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0030170
Crivelli, J., Foldes, J., Kim, P., and Wares, J. R. (2012). A mathematical model for cell cycle specific cancer virotherapy. Journal of Biological Dynamics 6(sup1): 104-120.
Wares (published under Pressley), J. and Troyer, T.W. (2011). The dynamics of integrate-and-fire: mean vs. variance modulations and dependence on baseline parameters. Neural Computation 23(5): 1234-1247.
Wares (published under Pressley), J., D'Agata, E., and Webb, G.F. (2010). The effect of co-colonization on competition of hospital-acquired and community-acquired MRSA. Journal of Theoretical Biology 265(3): 645-656.
D'Agata, E. M. C., Webb, G. F., and Wares (published under Pressley), J. (2010). Rapid emergence of co-colonization with community-acquired and hospital-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains in the hospital setting. Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 5(3): 76-93.
Wares (published under Pressley), J. and Troyer, T. W. (2009). Complementary responses to mean and variance modulations in the perfect integrate-and-fire model. Biological Cybernetics 101(1): 63-70.
Wares (published under Pressley), J. and Troyer, T. W. (2006). Temporal processing in the exponential integrate-and-fire model is nonlinear. Neurocomputing, 69(10-12): 1076-1080.
Wares (published under Pressley), J., Ilich, P., and Dougherty, D. (2003). A contrast-based neural control system for ant navigation. MBI Technical Report No. 5.
Book ChaptersWares, J. R., Crivelli, J., and Kim, P. (2014). Differential equation techniques for modeling a cycle-specific oncolytic virotherapeutic. Mathematical Modeling of Tumor-Immune System Dynamics, Springer.
Additional PublicationsWares J., Torres M., Teymuroglu Z., Stadnyk G., Hawthorne C., Balreira E.C. (2021) COVID-19 teaching modules.
In the News
"SIAM Undergraduate Research Online Prepares Students for Career Publishing Endeavors," SIAM News
Thu., Apr. 1, 2021"Herd Immunity Won't Solve America's COVID-19 Problem," The Conversation
Tue., Jun. 16, 2020"Richmond Professors Use Bio-Math to Help Soldiers With Brain Injuries," Style Weekly
Tue., Nov. 10, 2015